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Safety Standards on Clothes and Why We Need Them


We know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body, so let’s connect the dots on the textile industry — what are fabrics made of, bleached and dyed with? Is there regulation on textiles? Let’s find out.

Because there is no regulation on textiles, everything from the fabric to the dyes could potentially be toxic and unsafe — especially for small children and infants. Some sources quote thousands of chemicals used in fashion and footwear presenting hazard for consumers, workers, and the environment. When it comes to garments that touch a large area of the skin, it’s a good idea to play it safe. 

A Word on Cotton

I love cotton! Who doesn’t?! That soft and nice feeling of the fabric on the skin on a cold winter morning — hmmm, so good. That said, there is something we should all look into. 

It has come to light that the cotton we wear and use in our daily lives for feminine care, makeup, etc. may not be as great as it looks. Throughout the process of producing this white puffy goodness, the cotton plant was likely first genetically modified, then sprayed with pesticides to earn its reputation for one of the most contaminated crops. 

“In the US, it typically takes a third of a pound of toxic agricultural chemicals to produce a pound of cotton” according to the Organic Consumers Association — that is enough to make a T-shirt! Consequently, carcinogens end up in what we wear.

Then, cotton is the bleached with harmful chemicals and in the final stage, it is dyed with synthetic dyes to produce the beautiful colors we love on the “cheap” — at a cost that our health and environment will pay. 

Because cotton is not considered a “food crop,” nothing limits the spraying of super-toxic chemicals.Those chemicals end up in our clothing and touch our largest organ — the skin.

The worst impact is for us, women, because feminine care products are considered “medical devices” and manufacturers are exempt from having to list their ingredients. What can end up touching our most sensitive parts is a drenched in toxins. Dr. Mercola has several suggestions on safe products that include brands such as Seventh Generation, Glad Rags, and Organyc.

What Do I Wear?

Have you head of organic cotton? First of all, I thought that it is crazy when I first heard about it. Like…, how does that matter?! The organic certification is simply a pease of mind that what touches me is safe — especially for people with sensitive skin like myself.

Switching out my entire wardrobe, though, seemed irrational and stressful. Given that stress is the worst thing for health, I decided to be OK with having toxic clothes but make an effort to purchase new items overtime that are safe. Slowly and gradually, I phased out some old clothes and bought new ones from stores I trust.

Navigate to the short list of retailers that I’m considering. And send me a note if you know of other companies wordy of being featured. Continue to:

Author: Milla, Organic World

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