Radiesthesia (Dowsing) Foundational Course
Meets Saturday at 1 pm ET — launch zoom.
Required Class Materials
- Pendulum (any kind)
- Dowsing rods — up to you, but I like these
- “The Silva Mind Control Method” (Jose Silva)
- Anatomy Textbook — Illustrated: “New Atlas of Human Anatomy” (Thomas McCracken), new or used
Suggested Reading
- “Back To a Future for Mankind: BioGeometry” (Ibrahim Karim)
- “BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment” (Ibrahim Karim)
- “Power vs Force” (David R. Hawkins)
Intro 1: https://youtu.be/YJ_ZaEaBlD8
Intro 2: https://youtu.be/V5O2nXgb-3g
1. What is Radiesthesia
- Known as Dowsing
- Intuitive work — pendulum and dowsing rods are tools for the mind
- We are always plugged into universal intelligence — it’s a way to consciously “read” life
2. You’ll be learning my interpretations, practices, methods and diagrams
- My teachers
- Ivan A. Todorov — well known intuitive in Bulgaria; great course but I felt unsure and my answers were scattered
- Valentin Hadjimitov — also Bulgarian; 20 years after the first course and with the help of the Silva Method my accuracy was much more reliable
- The books of Ibrahim Karim
- The books of Ludmila Puchko
- Bulgaria radiesthesia had been practiced within a small circle.
- I know of Collective for Physical Radiesthesia
- Many teachers, whom I don’t know
- Recent historic figures - France: French physicists Chaumery and de Bélizal, Turenne, Enel, etc. — 1930s and 1940s. Books located in the “Maison de la Radiesthésie” in Paris, France; Healer Jaqueline Debeaux (herbal doctor, naturopath, radiesthesist, and clairvoyant healer) was a keeper for much of the research, which she shared with Dr. Karim
- Egypt — thousands of years old practice; Khalil Messiha; Dr. Fawzi Soliman, Dr. Ibrahim Karim — some of the historic and more recent names
3. Why is Radiesthesia important and what can you do with it?
- What is a human being?
- Body
- Aura
- Energy Centers — Chakras
- Learn about your spiritual anatomy with these videos:
- What affects the body — first energy field experiences a disbalance, then in time materializes as diseases.
- Us — thoughts, believes, emotions, karmic and ancestral overlays (life lessons)
- Our environment — radiation (natural and man-made)
- Underground substances — radioactive natural deposits, underground water
- The Earth’s fields — Hartmann and Curry
- Space radiation — including from the sun despite the protection of the atmosphere
- Radon gas — natural from the ground, gas or in water, cancerous
- Geo-pathogenic zones — location and neutralization
- Uses for radiesthesia
- Identify disbalances in the body and your aura
- Identify threats to the body and also benefits — locations (beneficial or detrimental to your being), medicine and supplements, herbs, people, treatments, etc.
- Takes the guessing out in trial-and-error approaches
- Helps with pets and infants, who can’t speak – what to feed them, ID health challenges, etc.
- Can you get the answer to any yes or no question?
- Depends on your gifts from God and some ethical considerations
- People are typically better in one area or another
Lesson 2: How to Use a Pendulum
Lesson 2 lecture: https://youtu.be/sgy9jFW050s
Lesson 2 live class: https://youtu.be/ZQah27BVLEk
Prepare for class: Bring your pendulum and 3 common objects — eye glasses or shades, a pen, a measuring tape. Complete Lesson 1 and watch the Lesson 2 video.
- Types of pendulums:
- Materials: copper, steel, crystal, etc.
- Witness — a compartment in a pendulum where particles could be placed
- Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s Back to a Future for Mankind — various pendulums from ancient times
- Witness – hair, fiber, picture, blood, or other particles
- How to calibrate your mind to amplify your intuition
- How to calibrate your pendulum with common objects
- Sit or stand straight, don’t cross legs or arms, keep other objects away
- Take off your watch and move away electronics
- Relax your hand
- Calm your mind using the Silva Method or another practice — develop “the feeling” when you’re connected with source
- When we meet — our practice will focus on finding your golden ratio along the string or chain
- Find your “yes,” “no” and “maybe” or ”don’t ask”
Lesson 3: Food Compatibility
Lesson 3 live class: https://youtu.be/1Vik3E5XQrg
Prepare for class: Bring a few pieces of different kinds of nuts, breads and other non-perishable foods
- Find your compatibility
- good, bad, so-so
- how long should you eat it for
- how long to avoid it for
- Be very specific with your questions: “Is the almond that I am holding good for me to eat right now?”
- Specify which food specifically or ask about the type of food generally — in my experience, due to the pollution of pesticides and herbicides along with genetic engineering, a food may be not so good or so-so until you specify “organic”
- Specify how you plan to consume it — eat, use as a topical on your skin, inhale, etc.
- Specify when exactly — you can ask about generally, always, most of the time, right now, today
- Specify the quantity or volume — if it’s a nut, maybe 1-5 nuts would be OK, but 20-30 would not benefit your body
- Specify the frequency — ask if it’s beneficial for your body to eat it daily, every other day, occasionally, etc.
Lesson 4: How to Use Diagrams
Prepare for class: print the food charts from your guide [PDFs coming shortly]
Lesson 5: How to Use Dowsing Rods
Prepare for class: buy your dowsing rods
- Types
- Uses — best for outdoors; walking in space
- Demonstration of locating
Lesson 6: Geo-Pathogenic Zones, Geomagnetic Nets of Hartmann and Curry*
- Julio Curry
- NS every 6 meters
- EW every 5 meters
- Earnest Hartmann
- 10”/25.4 cm wide
- NS every 2m
- EW every 2.5m
- Variations are possible but rare
- The cross points of each net amplify the emission of EMF
- The nets form rectangles who’s connecting points have a stronger charge
- When the corner points of one net alignes with the cross point of the other net, those charges are even stronger
- When there are underground radioactive elements or waters, that could amplify it further
- It’s known that ancient monuments and holly buildings were designed according to the directions:
- Sleeping areas NS
- Living areas and prayer areas, EW
- Polarity between the cross-points alternates from cross-point to cross-point — positive, negative, positive, etc. (The diagonals connect positive or negative points)
- According to Todorov, when a person sleeps with head pointing north or east, the magnetism of the body is in synchrony with the natural planetary magnetism. If the body is along the diagonals, the body is positioned between two positive or two negative points and the balance is affected.
- He also recommends to avoid spending too much time at the cross-points as the positive points could amplify your charge and give you distress as in overcharge; the negative points could drain you.
- He points out that babies and sleeping people usually find the most aligned direction for them
- Other interrupters:
- Radio waves from radio towers
- Power plants, electric grid, outlets
- Bluetooth radiation
- Microwave radiation
- Pyramids – harmonize
- Cheops pyramid eliminates a wide range of distressing waves/emissions
- Do not stand, sit or sleep over a pyramid — the tip emits it’s opposite projection
- [mock up for aluminum pyramid]
- Neutralizing: Lewis Turen, Georgi Atanasov, Enj. Encho Tsanov
- Linear — harmonizing objects located at all 4 corners
- Gocho Gochev — “magical” numerical squares
- radial
- Linear — harmonizing objects located at all 4 corners
- Julio Curry
Lesson 6: Finding people and objects on a map
- Begin with an open map
- Ask about one half than the other half, than quarters, etc.
Lesson 7: Energy and Physical Diagnostics
- Working with my charts
Lesson 8: Making Your Cosmetics
Sources, Bibliography, Disclaimers
- Todorov, Ivan A., Radiesthesic Notebook (translated from Bulgarian)
- Enj. Hadjidimitrov, Valentin, Radiesthesia Online (translated from Bulgarian)
- Dr. Karim, Ibrahim, Back to a Future for Mankind BioGeomentry
- Dr. Karim, Ibrahim, Biogeometry Signatures
Radiesthesia is intuitive practice and as such it is not exact science. It is not approved any institution including the FDA as method for diagnostic or treatment of any illness or condition. The Organic World Club and everyone involved make no promises, guarantees and warrantees of any kind. What we share is our own personal experience, sense, and interpretations from other sources. We advise that you utilize your sense of discernment and apply what you learn at your own risk.